About Us


A few words for me, I know that you are probably busy writing your next best seller, so I don’t want to waste even a second of your time. I have been in the field of making money online since I graduated high school, about 7 years ago. I have been mostly freelancing (as a professional book cover designer), I have tried all different markets as well as a venture in the world of mobile applications. And I have found that there is a lot of similarity between being successful in one field or another, it is like 90% the same principles that have to be applied. Here I will cover everything 100% about ebook and making the self publishing process a success. I have worked with many authors on many book projects. I have experience not only in book cover desings, but in interior designs, the new epub 3, adding video to your ebooks, launching strategies, marketing tactics, getting amazon reviews and much more. I wanted to create a place where I can share this knowledge and where you can get a lot of free information that covers EVERY aspect of the self publishing process… and yes you are  absolutely right, THIS IS THE PLACE!