How to Increase Your Book Sales on Amazon

Ok, you already have a great cover (if you don’t please check the previous post) and readers come to your book page on Amazon, BUThowtosalemorebooks they don’t buy your book.. What is the problem? What to improve? The answer is basically down to these 3 things:

  • Description

  • Author Page

  • Your Book Sample

Let’s take a look at each one of them. First comes the


Once the reader is on your book page on Amazon, there are a few things that will determine whether or not the reader will buy your book – the reviews, the sample and the description. I mention the description last, because it seems that most authors underestimate it a lot and have very plain and unnoticeable descriptions. This is a great chance for YOU to stand out. Put a little effort and you will be one step ahead of the competition. Let me tell you how. You will have to use some simple HTML tags that will take you to the pro league. First about the length of the description don’t ale it too long, people can read your sample if they want more, the description should be short and straight to the point. Anywhere between 250 – 500 words is fine. Look at the description as a sales page, give people reason to buy your book, tell them what they will get and how it will help them with their problems.

In your description make sure to use colour for your headlines. As well as to make them bold. Here are the basic HTML commands that you will need:

  1. <b> The text you want bolded </b>

  2. <i> Text you want to be italic </i>

  3. <h1> Your headline text </h1>

  4. <font color = “here comes the hex code of the colour #44hj00> The text you want colored is here </font>

for web safe colours and getting hex codes you can visit:

Also numbered lists and bullet points are very helpful. They will improve your descriptions appearance and readability.


html amazon

<li> text #1 </li>

<li> text #2 </li>

<li> text #3 </li>



For bullet list it is almost the same:


<li> text #1 </li>

<li> text #2 </li>

<li> text #3 </li>



This simple codes will help your book confers better and look more professional. Now that you are 1 step ahead of the competition, let’s leave them way behind with making everything on your Amazon page looks its best.

author page amazon

Author Page

Another part that most self published authors don’t pay attention to is their author page. When a potential buyer ask themselves, who is this guy, why is he an authority, this is the place they will visit. Put a very professional photo there, preferably one taken by a professional photographer, not a selfie with your phone. If all of your books are on a specific topic it is good that everything on your author page is related to that topic.



The third thing that will be very crucial for your sales, is the sample of your book, on Amazon it is 10% of the book. So make sure that in the first 10% of your book, there is something that will grab the readers, avoid putting too much advertising there, or other things that may repulse your potential buyers. Make sure that your formatting and spelling are perfect.

If you follow these 3 steps, you will have a lot better conversion rate for your book. Which will help you build your group of loyal readers more easily and of course make you more money.

Book Cover Design Tips

book cover design

The best way to get people notice your book, is to have a great book cover that stands out and invites readers to take a closer look at your book. But how to get the book cover of your dreams without spending tons of cash? Well I will offer you a few options where to get the cover and what to look for and ask for, when hiring someone to do your cover. Oh I forgot to mention that: YOU HAVE TO HIRE A PROFESSIONAL, this is the face of your book so it has to be pretty.

Here are 3 different approaches to getting a great book cover:

  • 99 Designs – here you can post a contest and have multiple designers work on your book cover. This way for sure you will have many options to choose from. The down side is that it is pretty expensive, book covers start at 300$ there. But if this is ok with your budget then go for it. This will be the less time consuming way and you have money back guarantee. Usually there is a little extra hidden cost, about stock photos here, so keep that in mind as well.

  • Second option is to hire a professional freelance designer from – this option will require some time to pick the best candidate to do your book cover, but usually the designer will provide everything needed for the cover and you can negotiate a few option for the design as well. You can get all that for around 100$ at a very pro level. The down side is that it will take more time to choose the right designer for your cover. Here is my page on elance where you can hire me to create an unique book cover for your ebook – PROFESSIONAL BOOK COVERS

  • The cheapest way is to go for – there you can get a cover from 5$ (usually a little bit more, with stock photos). A good strategy about fiverr is to have a few people work on your cover, this way you can make your own little contest for around 30$. However, don’t expect miracles, imagine how much work and effort you will put into something for 5$, yeah not much, so if your budget allows it, I recommend one of the top 2 options.

book cover design idea

Build a Vision for Your Cover

Now that you know from where to get your cover, it is time to learn for what to look for in a book cover. First of all it is very important that your cover is relevant to the category of your book, yes it is good to stand out, but it still has to be relevant, you can’t put a cover suitable for a romance onto a how to book, it just won’t work. On the web 2 things attract readers – bold colours and huge fonts. Keep your titles short, so they can be well displayed from a very small thumbnail. Also it is very important to take a look at the competition, at the ones that are doing well and at the ones that are not, learn from them and build the vision for your cover. Ones you have a vision it is time to collaborate with a designer to make it real.

Communicate well

book cover designGive as much information to the book cover designer as possible. This will speed the process and make things easier for both sides. And cheaper for you if you are paying for hours worked. Another important thing to consider is finding the balance between listening to the designer’s opinion and following your vision. I am not going o lie, this is extremely hard. For two reasons. First of all the designer probably has designed thousands or at least hundreds of covers, so maybe they know better about some things, on the other hand no one knows your book better than you. So build your idea, but be flexible while still staying true to the original concept/message of the cover.

Final Thoughts

In a conclusion I want tell you what to expect from your great cover. Why it is important? Great cover will bring more traffic to your book’s page. It will attract more readers to take a closer look at your book. Will this automatically lead to more sales, surely. But what you should be trying to improve is your convert rate. And this is something that a cover itself can’t do. That’s why you should not only focus on the cover be sign, but pay extra attention to your description, sample of your book and your author page on amazon. But I will discuss these things in the next article.

How to (Really) Make $1,000,000 Selling E-Books – By Tim Ferriss

Hello fellow self publishers. Here is a great inspirational article from Tim Ferriss’s blog. You can find the original and full article here: I have showed the most interesting

ebook vs print book marketing

parts (according to me). It is extremely valuable and inspirational about why you should self publish and why you should aim towards ebooks, instead of trying to make it with a traditional publisher. Tons of great information and insights and a great addition to my first article Ebooks vs Print Books. If you have any questions on any of the topics Mr. Ferris discusses, please ask them in the comments section. Enjoy!


How to (Really) Make $1,000,000 Selling E-Books – Real-World Case Studies

Barry Eisler writes thrillers about a half-Japanese, half-American freelance assassin named John Rain. John Rain is the consummate anti-hero, a whiskey swilling, jazz-loving former CIA agent battling crippling paranoia as he adventures around the globe. Readers love John Rain, so much so that they’ve landed Barry Eisler and seven of his John Rain books on the New York Times Bestseller list. [TIM: Here’s how the different bestseller lists work.]

Having conquered all that needs to be conquered in the world of commercial publishing, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that Eisler’s publisher offered him $500,000 deal for a new two-book deal.

The surprise was that Eisler turned down the deal and decided to tackle self-publishing instead.  In a freewheeling discussion with self-publishing expert Joe Konrath, Eisler says:

“I know it’ll seem crazy to a lot of people, but based on what’s happening in the industry, and based on the kind of experience writers like you are having in self-publishing, I think I can do better in the long term on my own.”

ebooks vs print books

We asked Eisler for a current update, and he told us that this month (March 2013), he expects to sell 8,000 copies of his 10 self-published novels and stories, which are priced $1-5 each. Despite self-publishing his first story only two years ago, it appears he’s made the right decision. With roughly $300,000 in royalties per year, he already beat his publisher’s offer…

The writing on the wall couldn’t be any clearer: the publishing world is changing fast.

Getting a publishing contract has long been the first litmus test of a writer’s success. Writers spend years in the wilderness accumulating rejections before finding a single buyer (advances usually start at $1,000 to $10,000). Even The 4-Hour Workweek was rejected 20+ times before it got an offer.

But conventional publishing isn’t the only game in town anymore.

Self-published authors are increasingly landing on the NYT bestseller list and hog a fair share of Amazon’s top-20 list. Amanda Hocking became a self-publishing multi-millionaire with her teen supernatural thrillers before bagging a$2M publishing contract with St. Martin’s PressJohn Locke sold $2M worth of eBooks before landing a deal with Simon & Schuster.

All this means that perhaps you don’t need a contract to validate you… now or in the future.


Why eBooks, Why Now?

The numbers don’t lie: Amazon now sells more eBooks than printed books. Kindle sales topped 1 million per week by the end of last year. More than 20% of publishing giant Random House’s revenues last year were from digital sales.

[TIM: Here are my personal stats — the percentage of total sales from ebooks for each of my books, limited to their first year on-sale:

April 2007 pub date – original 4HWW – less than 1%
Dec 2009 pub date – revised and expanded 4HWW – approximately 21%
Dec 2010 pub date – 4HB – approximately 31%
Nov 2013 pub date – 4HC – will surpass 50% by November 2013]

Amazon is at the forefront of this publishing revolution. Through the Kindle eReader and the Kindle eBook store, it has given indie authors a platform to get published and gather an audience. As a $100-billion-plus market cap e-commerce juggernaut, Amazon already has a substantial user base (as per comScore, 282.2 million people visited in June 2011 – or roughly 20% of the total internet traffic). Coupled with high royalty rates (70% compared to 10-15% for traditional publishers), it is the perfect platform for a fledgling writer to make a living, and if fate agrees, even a fortune.

The path to becoming a Kindle millionaire isn’t easy, but it’s possible to tilt the odds in your favor by following best practices. [TIM: Becoming a millionaire using non-Kindle ebooks is arguably even easier — here’s one $1,000,000/month example.]

This how-to post will look at general principles and lessons from real-world successes.

Marketing and Promoting Your Book

So you’ve written your book, you’ve formatted it for Kindle, and you have a gorgeous cover image to entice readers.

Now it’s game time.

Marketing is what separates the successful Kindle publishers from the also-rans who hug the bottom of the sales charts.

Self-publishing essentially inverts the traditional publishing model, where publishers publish the book, then get the media to drum up enthusiasm before the public can pass it along through word-of-mouth. Self-published authors must do this entire process in reverse: they must get people interested in their books before they actually publish the book on Amazon. It requires building relationships with your readers and establishing a sense of community by leveraging social media.

[TIM: I’ll keep this note short. Here’s how to create a high-traffic blog (1MM+ unique visitors a month) without killing yourself. It’s exactly how I built this blog and manage it.]



In the mid-80s, at the height of his literary prowess, Stephen King started writing books under the pseudonym of Richard Bachman. Bachman’s books were failures – Running Man sold only 28,000 copies in its initial print run, but ten times as many when Bachman was outed as a pseudonym for King. The message is obvious enough: readers won’t think twice about buying books from authors they know and recognize.

For amateur authors, this translates into maintaining a consistent author profile across multiple media properties. You are essentially trying to create a personal brand (like Tim’s). Select a good picture and make sure you use it on all author-related websites, including your blog, social media, and Amazon Author Central (more on this below).


Start with the obvious:

– A Facebook page
– A Twitter account

Then the not-so-obvious:

– Do Reddit AMAs on appropriate sub-reddits (here’s a big list).
– Answer questions on Quora related to your niche.
– Do guest posts on niche specific blogs.
– Create author profiles on GoodReads and Amazon Author Central.
– Engage and communicate with fellow writers and readers on forums like Authonomyand Absolute Write.

Barry Eisler advises “not to use social media to sell, but rather to give away useful information and entertaining content for free, and to build relationships thereby. What you do on your Facebook page and Twitter page should be intended to benefit your friends and followers. If they like it, they’ll like you; if they like you, maybe they’ll become interested in your books.”


Closing Words

The beauty of Amazon is that once you have enough leverage in the market, you’re essentially working on auto-pilot. Once you are an established presence in the market, your name alone will attract the curious and the faithful. As far as passive income is concerned, it’s hard to beat a portfolio of Kindle books.

[TIM: Or 1 or 2 books that sell forever. Here’s how to maximize the odds — The 12 Main Lessons Learned Marketing The 4-Hour Body.]

Caveat lector: be aware that success through self-publishing is rare and hard fought. Eisler compares publishing to the lottery, where few can get in and even fewer can succeed. The main difference between legacy and self-publishing, he says, is that “the overwhelming majority of writers who couldn’t even get in the door in the legacy world can now publish just as easily as everyone else, but beyond that, so far I’d say the odds of making a living are roughly the same.”

He adds, “fantasizing about making it big in self-publishing is no more crazy than fantasizing about making it big in legacy publishing.”

Here’s to the crazy ones: take action, research, write, sell, repeat.

Did you like this post? Would you like more of this type of post? If so, please let me know in the comments. Thanks!

Get a Great Ebook and Title Idea. In 4 Easy Steps.

Hello, this article will be about finding the best ebook title for your ebook, but before I continue with the atticle I would like to encourage everyone that reads my posts to leave a comment about what part of the selfpublishing process you have questions about. Give some feed back about the articles, I want to now if someone finds them useful 🙂 Also I might have experience in working with an already written book, but I plan on writing a few books myself and I am also interested in some writing tips (non-fiction, how to books) Thank you and now let’s continue with the article…

marketing research for an ebook

Research Your Ebook Idea

When you have a good non-fiction book idea, it is a must to research it well. The first stop of your research should be google. Search your key phrase (and some similar ideas around it), see how many people are searching for such things, what are the most searched keywords related to your topic. You can find the google keyword tool HERE. Aim for eywords with more than a few thousand searches per month.


Next step, check the competition on Amazon. Enter your keyword, browse your potential categories. If the top ranked books there have a lot of reviews and a good paid rank (above 30 000), this means that your idea is good and a lot of people buy this type of books. This research will not only proof your idea, but it will also point you the right direction for your ebook title. Remember Good titles sale ebooks and bad titles are instantly forgotten. Your title has to be very punchy and attention grabbing. Your title should not be general, like “make more money” or “lose weight”. It has to be very specific. For that reason you should firstly define your one key reader.


Answer these questions:

  • what do they want to achieve?

  • what problems do they have?

  • what are they afraid from?

A great approach is the title to be the desired out come people will get from reading your book. Another proven model for a better title is to add a number at the title. This makes things very specific. Readers love that.

Some great examples of great titles are:

You got the idea, right?

So lets sum it up. To proof your ebook idea and to have a great title, you need to follow these steps:

  • research your keywords

  • research the competitions

  • define your one key reader (the person that will need your ebook)

  • offer the solution in your title

Really simple, right? If you enjoyed this article, please subscribe to get updates on my new posts coming out every week.


Amazon is not set it and forget it maretplace. If you want to have consistend success, then you will have to use different strategies to promote your books and increase their exposure.

FREE vs 99cebook launcing strategy

The KDP Select program is still a must for any new writer out there, because it helps you get more exposure. It is not as effective as it was before, but still the free days allow you to get a lot of reviews and exposure to your book. Keep in mind that KDP Select requires you to distribute your book exclusively on Amazon and nowhere else. There is a saying that 100 free downloads make 1 However I am personally against free days and mostly agains the free launch. Because this way the people that were interested in your book and expecting its release will get it for free. You will miss a lot of solid sales this way. If you don’t have any auhor paltform, maybe still the free launch is the best option for you. If you have a small platform then go for the 99c launch.

The 99c advantages are:

  • your paid ranking will improve (which will not happen from the free day)
  • You will getting more quality reviews from people that are at least a little bit interested in the topic of your book. They have paid for it after all.


  • You won’t get as much reviews as from a free day.

Another pitfall from the free day is that you risk getting a 1 star reviews from people who have no interest on the subject of your book, that bought it just because it was free. These reviews usually sound like this. “I am glad it was free….. “

Another way of use for the same strategies are the promotion days on regular basis during the KDP Select program. This will help you improve your rankings a lot. Especially if you make 99c promos. You will get a solid increase in the sales after the promotion and you will get a nice number of reviews. A thing you need to keep in mind about a FREE DAY promotion is that it might ruin your review ratings. By getting a lot of unrelevant reviews.


Before maing any FREE DAY promotions you have to prepare well and submit your promotion to FREE BOOK promotion websites. You can get a list from this great blog here:

ebook marketing


In order to understand which strategy works best for you, you need to keep track on your metrics on a regular basis. The most important things to track are the SALES and REVIEWS. These are the 2 things that will determine the success of your books. Sales are directly responsible for your ranking and the most recent sales have the greater impact on your ranking on Amazon Top Paid 100, Hot new Releases, Keyword Search, Customers also bought section.  Amazon is the 3rd largest search engine in the world, do you get it how important is your ranking? Reviews have almost none impact on your ranking, but they have a great impact on your sales, the better the reviews, the better your book will convert. Do you get the picture, it is like a DOMINO EFFECT.

self publishing

Also important information about promotions and launching is to know that there are some days in the year on which the amount of books sold on Amazon increases tremendously. These are Christmas and Thanks Giving. Last year on Christams day were sold over 2 million books. Just keep that in mind.

As a conclusion I want to say that the more sales you can “squeeze” on your side after launching your book, the more Amazon will help you make more sales and get more exposure. So make everything you can to do the best book launch you can on your side.

If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below, THANK YOU!

Ebooks vs Print Books – or Why You Should Choose Self-Publishing Your Books as Ebooks

Hello fellas,



Welcome to the world of ebooks. Ebooks have been essential part of my life for quite a while now. And I am creating this blog, in order to help the many talanted authors that I have worked with as a designer, to get the best out of their ebooks. I want to point some great advantages of self-publishing versus wasting your time trying to get a traditional publisher. This is what this blog is all about, Self-Publishing & Marketing your Ebooks.


Ebooks vs Print Books Round 1 

Owing to a multitude of benefits, the traditional books are facing decline. With the travel advantages, easy virtual storage, basket bargain prices, reading speed, font adjustments, light adjustments, night reading abilities; e-Books are like adding more power to yourself.

Travel: If you are one of the frequent travels, you might be aware about the heaviness of the regular title. With e-Books, it is not about carrying only one book, rather carrying a whole library.

Storage: No need to buy extra fancy storage shelves or corners, a regular PC, your smart Phone and superb e-Book readers like Kindle. Furthermore, an added advantage of keeping backup over the web.

Price: Because of the low production costs the ebooks, especially the self published ones are much more price competitive than the large publisher’s print books.

Speed: The reward for owing an e-book is instantaneous. Easy delivery and further enhanced reading ability.


I have to say that I love print books, they just smell so nicely and feel so good. But to be honest it is way more easy and fun to read an ebook. The epub or mobi formats give you full control over the appearance of the ebook, the fonts, the colors, the spacing btween the lines (this one is my favourite I never loose a line anymore), turning the pages is so fast, no need of booksmarks, clickable table of contents and many more.

Kindle e-reader kobo

Still have doubts?


Ebooks vs Print Books Round 2

Let’s talk about numbers.

Referring to the recent report postulated by Entertainment and Media Outlook, it has been predicted, by 2017 the sales of e-Book will exponentially rise to $8.2 billion, surpassing the sales figures of print books. Amazon is already selling more ebooks than any of the print books format (29% of all of their book sales). I know what you are thinking right now.. ” I want a piece of that, I want in NOW”, then you are at the right place.


All the advantages of an ebook come from the fact that, unlike the traditional paper books, there are no printing costs, publishing costs, distributional costs, storage costs. With a small money investment (yes you need to invest if you want to create a good product) you can compete back to back with the biggest name in the publishing industry. eBook Advisor you will help you with every step of the process of self publishing. How to get your ebook in the best shape:

  • Editing

  • Formatting

man doing ebook marketing

  • Using technology

  • Cover Design

  • Launching Strategies

  • Distribution

  • Marketing

Sounds cool, right?


Ebook Advisor is here with the mission to help you become from writer struggling to make sales into a successful writer selling hundreds of books each month. Because being a successful author is not an easy task to be honest. It will take time and effort, but if you take care of each of the above steps, if you have paid a good editor to enhance your book, a quality graphic designer to do your cover (readers do judge a book by its cover, turst me), if the interior of the book is done properly and you have a launching strategy and a marketing plan, you can get  a nice place on the best selling author’s list.

So you got the picture why ebooks are better than print books, both for reading and publishing. As has happened to any industry that has been transformed by the internet revolution, remember the recent change that happened to the music industry, it is completely transformed now and no one has ever imagined that things will go this way, but they did. Same thing is happening to the BOOKS MARKET. Ebooks are the future and no matter whether we want it or not they will be the majority of books in the near future.

business dog tablet pc ebook touch pad

Please follow me on facebook and twitter and keep an eye for some valuable tips comming every week. The tips will be devided in 3 categories:

Self Publishing – here you will be updated with the latest trends of the market all the new statistics, devices and software that is coming to help you getthe best of your ebook. This section will help you build better marketing strategy, you have to know the rules before you can win the game.


Marketing – here I will cover everything from how to make your first sale to advanced strategies for maintaining solid sales consistantly.


Design – a lot of tips about thecover design, what to avoid and some sucessful approaches that you should consider when thinking of the cover.